Summer Reading Conversation on June 7th


On June 7th the New York Times Learning Network is hosting a twitter conversation about Summer Reading. This is open to people of all ages to share what’s on their sumer reading list and recommendations for others! Simply share your thoughts about summer reading on twitter and finish off the tweet with the hashtag #summerreading . This will add your tweet to the all day conversation. The NY Times Learning network will be sharing their favorite tweets throughout the day.

To take this one step further for our ShowMe Community we’d like you to create summer reading ShowMes, upload them, and tweet them out to the conversation! After you upload a ShowMe to the website you will see the option to share on twitter. Select this option and then just remember to add #summerreading to the tweet and send it off! We will also be sharing our favorite ShowMes throughout the day.

If you know someone who would be interested in participating, let them know! I hope this can be a fun way to interact with Summer Reading in your classrooms or by yourself.

For more information about twitter chats, read this helpful guide by the NY Times.

For more information or questions send us a tweet @showmeapp or email us at
